I've been thinking abt this particular matter since just now, haiyo, it's very very hard to come up with a decision.
Heh, well yea I actually thought of creating this onsugar thgy. And at the same time, I wna try out the livejournal too. Oh gosh, make up your mind teko ! Yg mane satu pilihan kamu ni waduhh.
Omgg, how how how guys? Onsugar? Livejournal? Yes, no?
Alrights, just gimme a lil bit more time yea. Then I'll definitely choose one. :) K setttt !
Okkkkk. So this wk is exam wk. Been going back to sch fr the past few days fr UT. And man, the timing all like asal boleh aje. Fr 2 modules, the test starts at 430. Then the remaining 3 all 830am. Pagi righttttt, iknw ! But oh well, I'm only left with 1 and after that it's party time babyy ~ *excites*
So far all the UTs are do-able. So happy that I managed to complete every single question, of course put in the effort ok. Not hancur bocai sebarang only hor. :D *pats head*
And and and, I completed the UT with still time left to spare. Like 8 mins-10 mins. Omg haha, I hope that's a good sign ye. I'm just hoping/wishing that I'll pass every module with flying colours, thus bringing up the GPA as well. Sigh, I really wna knw the feel of having a above 3 GPA, like mcm cool only. ^^ Insya Allah ye.
Yayyy, left with an approximately 5 days to raya. Excited much? Yes yes! But pity me, couldn't enjoy the last 4 days of fasting cs of yknw-what reason. Yea. :( Sad much pls. Missed going fr terawih prayers with quek. Gna miss mlm Lailatul Qadr. But it's ok la, I'm hoping that fr the next Ramadhan, I'll be able to puasa penuh k. Do more terawih prayer secara berjemaah, Insya Allah jikalau panjang umur. :D
Ok, 12 noon now. I really need to get chores done. Lots of stuffs to be done omg ! :) Tapi tk puasa, so oklah, not gna be that tiring. C'mon quackk you can do this !
Till then, kisses from me to you. Aisehh ~ XOXO