♥Apr 25, 2010
Oh my god.
It's alr late and i can't slp.
Hahahaha. I'm soooo gna get panda eyes. *rofl*
Eheh, wtv. :D
So, been spending the time listening to songs on youtube. *what else kan*
And also chatting w some people.
Esp to my dearest friend *happyface!!*
So, plans of wanting to eat w daddy was cancelled cs he finishes work late.
Therefore, we just walked arnd at cwp.
Bought some bangles, hahaha, my favourite. :DD
Ate at mcd. Proceeded to banquet aft that cs mum wanted to have her dinner there.
Got bck home and straightaway went online till about 1215am.
Was checking LEO just now, and my oh my, i gt a grade C fr science.
The first C among all the Bs. -.-
Lmaoo. I think i knw why.
Nvm, gna do way better fr the next lesson.
Communications module this coming monday.
And i'm sooo looking frward to it. I simply love the facilitator. And also my grp fr that module.
Cs irritating justin is there. Hahahaha!! Gna kacau him. Jyeah. xD
Hope wenxin's feeling better alr. :D
Oh wenxin, imy yknow!! xD
Oh ya, and i booked you alr fr lunch ok. So, you better don't go off w any other people.
Cheeyyyyy. Hahahahaha!! :D
Haish. I'm so tired but yet i just can't slp.
And that irritating old-like nenek cough is back. Aiyo. *shakes head*
Oh and did i mention?
Man utd won spurs.
JYEAH~!! Is that awesome or whatt?
Hahahahaha~!! Thks to fiq fr telling me the score. :)
Alrightay, i should really slp now.
Gdnights y'all.
A bigbigbig mwah from me.
Bye!! :D
♥Apr 20, 2010
Just a quick update before i'm off to bed yea ;)
So, today's module was enterprise skill.
Urm, beginning part was trully exciting cs we are all so new to it.
And everyone was like 'woah' and 'oohs and aahs'..
Hahahaha~!! Lmao sey. xD
But thn, as time goes by, it started to get boring.
Well, aft my grp's presentation was over and done w, logged onto fb secretly.
Hahaha. Sucha bad girl ehs. Wtv:DD
So, tmr's gna be science.
Oh god, science. -.-
Hahaha!! Nvm, looking frward to that tmr.
Should be interesting laa ok. I think it has smthg to do w bio and stuff.
We'll see. ;)
Haha, and srsly i'm so loving my class. *hearts*
They're so lively and funny and stuff.
Eheh, and guess what?
Wenxin says i looked uber cute whnever i have this OMG-i -just-frgot-what-to-say face.
Ok, that only occurs sometimes ;)
I think i'm getting much more confident to speak in front of the others. Haha!
Oh, and to justin. He better watch out tmr. Always like to bully me sey.
Chey. Hahaha!! :DD
Yupyup, and shesha, she's sucha sweet girl. ;)
Kk wtv it is, they are all a really3 awesome bunch to be w k.
Wee~!! I'm so loving my life now.
K, off to slp now. Gdnight y'all.
Sweet dreams. Mwahs! *HAPPY FACE!!*
♥Apr 17, 2010
I've had enough of whatever that is happening.
And i'm alr tired of it.
I know we've promised.
I srsly don't know how i feel about you right nw.
I'm just cnfused.
So cnfused.
I need time to be alone.
I'm sorry.
Let me do some updating ok.
Frgive me if i ain't smiling or whatsoever in this post.
Not in the mood i guess.
Starting w the orientation prog from 12th Apr-14th Apr.
Everythg that happened on the 3 days were THE BOMB!!
SHL grp 14 oii!! Aww, i miss them sey. And the SLs too.
And not to mention the Tug Of War which took place on the second day of ori..
Seated fr like 2hours under the sun. Aiyoyoyo.
Worth it cs SHL won. Wooh!
Last day of ori were my hot favourite.
Why? Cs we had this mass dance thgy, followed by receiving good news that SHL actually
won the Principal Cup. Hah to the champs last year, SAS.
SHL rocks!!
And not to frget, the Jam&Hop party.
Awooh!! Danced like whatt sey. W/ ami and zie.
Went bck hm feeling totally exhausted.
Alright, so sch starts officially on thursday. *sad face*
First module was maths. Did some mathagym thgy. Diff sey.
And ystd's module was on cognitive thinking and problem solving.
So, i was in team 2 tgt w justin, ahmad, jia hui and christine.
They were indeed fun people to be w.
And honestly speaking, i prefer ystd's team rather than the thursday one,
even though i was in the same team agn w ahmad and jia hui.
Ystd's module was kinda interesting, w a really scarayy faci of course.
Aiyoyoyo, whnever she asks any question, the whole room seemed so intense.
K, whatever la eh.
Have i said enough? I think so. It's getting really late now. Should get some slp.
Maybe wake up late ltr on since there's no sch. Hell no.
Mum would nvr allow me to wake up late sey. *another sad face*
Wtv. Oh gosh, this monday. So not looking frward to it.
And to you, i'm still pissed.
♥Apr 7, 2010
Karaoke session w/ maya ystd.
And swimming session w/ her agn today. Hehs. Oh, ain was there as well. xD
Maybe another swimming session agn tmr. ^-^
Hahaha, swam a few laps. Like some pro swimmer yknow. K, that is merepek. :DD
Tired, yes indeed. But i feel awesome. Yayness! *happy face*
Hahahahaha~!! Somehow i feel like i'm a swimming instructor.
Okays, another LOL! Eeee, me, a swimming instructor? No way ah.
Super weird sey. Hehs ^-^
Anyways, we were there fr like 2 hours or so.
Took the bus to cwp cs somebody doesn't want to walk.
Haha. Hmm, i wonder who.. Aingg~!! :DD
Had my brunch at Mac. Lol.
Oh ya, that cinnamon melts thgy is uber nicee. I like it *inserts another happy face*
So, maya went off aft that to fetch her adik. So, i'm left w/ ain.
Eeeee, that woman. Hehs. No offence yea. :DD
Accompanied her windowshop. :)
Haiyoma, i'm so into that Onto headphones.
I srsly want that. Cs my old one is spoilt. Urgh.
Nvm nvm nvm, save money la. Or maybe i'll ask frm my dad. Or mum.
Hehs ^-^
Okay, gtg. Bye ^-^
♥Apr 6, 2010
Thnks to maya. xD The day started off great.
Haha, apart from having that twister thgy fr breakfast and all those crazzayy-ness frm maya,
karaoke session was awesome. Like srsly. *BIG HAPPY FACE!*
We had our own SS time singing to songs and even recording it.
Aingg~!! K, oops, i shouldn't have said that. Hahahahahaha!! :DD
Oh ya, and laughing to A_________n vids. That person is really really really funny.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahha!! :DD
Haha. Alrights. I'm not gna go on and on cs srsly, there's nth else to blog about today.
Haish. Guess i'm gna fill the rest of the time watching tv and also....urm. Idk.
I'll find smthg to do.. Maybe sleep. Hmm. K,not sleep.
Cs excessive sleep ain't good fr your health people. *winks to someone*
Hahahaha~!! xD
Orientation's starting next week. Excited like yea!
Hehe. :DD
Picchass, wooh~!! :DD
♥Apr 4, 2010
Hey guys.
Hehs. Well, today's the 4th of apr.
Omg, which means 8 more days to orientation. Anddd, 11 more days to starting school. *sighs*
Haha. Okay, stop sighing. Actually, i'm looking frward to orientation. Lols.. xD
I think it's gna be an exciting event, aft seeing the programmes that has been prepared by the
seniors fr each of the 3 days. Hehs. Yessa~!!
Meeting new friends and all. A whole new experience. *happyface*
Alrights, so today, i went bck to Andalus to collect my LPPI result slip.
And alhamdullilah, i passed all my subj. Surprisingly, arab. A C5. Not bad huh. xD
Well, there's no As. Haiya. Mum was like ' itulah, tak belajar betul2 kan'..
Haiyoma. At least all pass whatt. Hehs. That's considered good alr. *winks to mum*
Oh ya, Man U lost. Watched the match ystd at the coffeeshop w/ my fam.
Seated w/ all the pakciks. And all of them were Man U fans. Ah, great~!!
That's one thg i like about watching soccer matches at coffeeshops.
Plus all those ' GOOOALLL!!' and stuff.
Haha. Funny funny reactions too. xD.
Yea, man u lost. So whatt. Doesn't matter lor. Haha. :D
Screw chelsea. Haha. Ooops. No offence. *does peace sign*
Hehehe. xD
Man U still the best ah!! :DD
Glory glory Man United. :DD
Okayla, i'm hungry. Eating timee. Hehs.
K, bye xD
♥Apr 2, 2010
Kays, i'm so bored.
Hmm. Everyone's at home now. Well, except fr dad cs he went fr friday prayers.
Hehs. :D
Mum watching Adnan Sempit. Hehs.
~~ Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada HIGHWAY! ~~
Nyet2. xD
Shaheizy Sam is so cutee laa! :D
So, today today today. Hmm.
Gna catch a movie. W/ ain.
Diary of a wimpy kid. Haha :D
Clash Of The Titans. Well, that has to wait.
Maybe watch w/ fam..
Alrights, meeting her at 330pm. So i better not be late.
Maybe meeting mum and dad at cwp aft that.
K. Hmm. April alr now. So fast.
Orientation is in 10 days time. Definitely looking frward to that. Hehs.
No pre-orientation camp fr those in SHL and SAS.
So yea, have fun to all those who has camp alrights.*winks*
And and and, poly starts in 13 days.
K, lol.
Hahahahaha!! :)
♥Apr 1, 2010

I had an awesome day today.
W/ special thanks to my friends. :)
First up, mariyah came over in the morning.
Had breakfast tgt. :)
Aft that, as usual, switched on the Mac.
Listened to songs.
Hehs. Omgg, i'm so LOVIN usher man.
He's hawt~!! Alahai, he's the reason fr making me so cair now.
Hehs. :)
Apart from r-pattz of course. *double happy face!*
From usher, we switched to cheryl cole{hmm, did i get the name right? Hope so}
JB aft that. Followed by pixie lott~!!
Hehs. She really can't missed that. xD
And how she laughed so badly when i kept pausing the mv at the wrong time.
Hehs. So funny. :)
Ooh, and annoying orange too had us laughing. Well, not so much.
Hehs. Ok. Lol. :P
Uh huh, i had fun w/ her. *winks*
Aft that, the girls came over.
Nad, Aisha and Zizo were among the first to arrive.
Haha. :D
Ain and Sap came aft that.
And so, we watched My Name Is Khan.
Agn. Hehs. Second time fr me. ;)
Haiyoma. But i didn't cry le.
Eh, no. I was about to. Hehs.
~~ Ehemehem people, i've got an announcement to make. So pls listen up ok.~~
My name is Atiqah and i am not a terrorist.
Mind that.
Alrights, so had canadian pizza while watching that movie.
And and and, i've gotta say a big big big thank you to them fr the cake.
Love it. Mwah. Hehs. xD
Oh and and and, i love to hear stories frm Zizo about the no manners people frm C.
And stories frm Sap about old makciks or neneks.
Haha :)
Okok. That's all fr now.
Bye. :D