♥Feb 28, 2010
Omgg, i'm having this really bad tummyache right now.
Well, it's not that bad actually. But it hurts.
Just staying at home today. Too lazy to go out w my prnts.
Was supposed to have my nap now. But can't slp. So, wtv.
Gna try and slp ltr on.
So, i've received my enrolment package ystd.
Excited like nobody's business sey.
Hahahaha. Lols.
Accompanied my prnts to geylang.
And i missed my Om Shanti Om.
Haiyo, gt shah rukh khan sm more. :'(
Kkae, nvm.
Ate at pastamania last fri. To celebrate my sis birthday.
Had beef bolognese. Nicee. :)
Gym tmr. And i hope the girls aren't latee. Hehe :P
♥Feb 26, 2010

More piicchas will be uploaded by the one and only ziie.
Whn she's free. At fb.
So, WWW outing ystd was indeed an awesome one.
Fun. Exciting. Thrilling.
Enjoyed till like 6 plus. Go clean ourselves up.
Headed to pasir ris beach to finish up on the food.
Train-ed back.
And reached home like 11 plus.
Luckily mum was aslp. But dad stayed up just to wait fr me.
Thank youu. :)
Crashed. Cs i was too exhausted.
And now, still feeling sleepy. Zzzzz.
♥Feb 24, 2010
Pfft. This tembel at my right eye is really bothering me la.
One eye big, and the other eye small. Lol. Cool or what.
Hehehehehe. :)
Thought of changing the blogskin. Agn =.=
But nah, i'm too lazy. Hehe.
So, gna go to bed real soon.
And hmm, tmr's gna be a fun day i guess. W the girls :)
Oh ya, i'm really hoping that maya would be able to come.
If not, i'll kill myself...... NOT!! haha. Crazy ah, go kill yourself fr what.
Speaking of which, my sis told me she saw someone jumped off frm the top of the blk.
Near 888 plaza. Whn she was on her way back home.
Omgs, must be a scary sight huh.
Okayokay, i guess i should really go to bed now.
Promised someone i'm gna be aslp before 12 :D
Bye. And goodnight.
My morning wasn't that bored. Online w ain fr a while.
Thn suddenly, she went offline. Just like that. Without telling me.
Grr. I'm super angry at you la makcik.
HAHAHAHAH~!! joking2. Not angry at all.
Well well well, i've not exercised fr the past two days. Tsktsktsk. Bad.
Cannot cannot, tmr must exercise.
Eh wait, i'm still deciding on whether i should go wild2 wet w the girls or not.
Idk when but most probably, its gna be either tmr or fri. ^^
I'm like too lazy to go out. But at the same, i'm bored staying at home. Haha. Lols.
Kkae, hmmm. *still thinking*
Meanwhile, i guess i'm just gna spend the rest of the day watching tv. ^^
Oh ya, i've yet to receive my enrolment package. Alamak, so stress la waiting fr it.
Hehe. Okay, i'm super duper hungry. Gna find some food. Or buy one i think.
:D Bye.
♥Feb 23, 2010

Happy 14th birthday to Nur Amalina. :D
Btw, she's the one in the middle of the pic, in case
you guys are wondering which one.
♥Feb 15, 2010
First of all, i wna wish all my chinese friends esp my crapbuddies a happy lunar new year k. :D
Since it's only the second day.. so i hope it ain't that late hor.. Teehee.
Right, the others are currently watching Santau. Second time with dad.
Well, i didn't join them. Cs i'm too scared to watch it agn. At night some more.
Even if someone pays me a million bucks to go watch it at night, hell no. Thanks a lot anyways.
Eeeeee. Confirm i'll dream of all those scary stuffs chasing after me.
Hehe. :D
And omgg, i cried ystd night cs of this dream i dreamt.
But i can't remember what it was. Rofl. :D
Okays. So today, nothing much la.
Went fr a jog at Admiralty Park this morning. With mum and second sis.
Finally i'm back to my usual routine. Yay! :D
Had breakfast. Watched tv. And i nearly slept on the sofa. Omgg, so comfy siaa. Haha.
Went to Expo. As expected, there were lots of people there.
And there was this singing competition gg on. What was it called agn?
Urmm... ziana zain singapore issit? Smthg like that uh.
And the winner was this 14 yr old girl. Her voice was superb i tell you.
Simply amazing. Like wow~!! :D
Gosh. I was so freaking tired of standing. What with the crowd also. Pushing here and there.
And so after the competition thgy was done, i was relieved. Finally gg back home.
But thn.. My mum told me and dad that she wanted to watch ziana zain and the 14 yr old girl do a duet. Omgg~!! Not agn.
Went back inside. Stand agn fr a good how many mins also idk. Was getting restless.
I think mum noticed i was getting restless but she ignored me. Ya allah..
After everythg was over(like finally), headed to al- ameen to eat.
Blah blah blah.. got back home :D alhamdullilah.
Haha. Alrights. I think i better get some sleep.
Goodnight. Bye. :D
♥Feb 12, 2010

So, i accompanied zie and ain for their job interview at Peace Centre ystd.
Supposedly the meeting time was at 1pm at the mrt platform.. and i was late... =.=
As expected. Haha. Well, not that late la actually. Arrived at the platform at 115 like that.
Okay, that is late. Haha. Whatever. xD lols, sorry ain. And zie was late too. Haha~!!
Alrights, so we train-ed to dhoby ghaut. Crapped along the way.
The train we took terminates at amk. So we waited fr the other train.
Blah blah blah. Arrived at peace centre. They had their interview while i waited outside.
Browsed through the magazines. Nearly fell asleep. Lol!
And hey, i really wanted to work. Like really badly. But i think i'd rather stay at home and rest.
Do chores or whatever. Slack. Haha. xD
After that, we proceeded to mac cs we were like damn really3 hungry.
Eheh. Me esp lor. Need food. Ordered mcchicken.
Talked and ate. Crapped. Laughed. Hehe~!! Whatever.
And after that, we went orchard. Walked. Ahah. There was like this booth selling flowers and
gifts fr valentine's day. :D Oh ya, i cant believe we actually spent like a good half an hour inside
chameleon. Waliao. Ain's fault la. Eheh. Lols, no offence yea. Right.. She asked me to say this la.
Currently online with her now. And maya too. My crazy-est friends. Teehee~!!
K, so ain wants me to say... AIN IS KIUT!! . haha. There done. Happy now? *winks to ain*
Hehs. Ain kiut? Oh please, i'm cuter than her laa. Haha. Kkae, joking ah. xD
Okay okay, so after that.. urmm.. we headed to far east plaza. Walked. Bought a belt. Now thats
when my HEADACHE STARTS!! like wow!! great!! perfect timing. Damn sakit you know.
Urgghh!! ... headaches aside... supposedly must meet ami at tp. As in she takes the train at tp..
and we were like at the last cabin. Abuden ah, zie told her we were at the first cabin instead.
Haha, pity ami. Sorry.. * me and ain points finger at zie* hehs. Singgah cwp kejap. And the
bazaar. Damn thirsty so i bought watermelon juice. xD sat in front of burger king. Stupid
headache's back. Worse than before. Waited fr the bus. Got bck home exactly at 930pm.
Salam-ed my mum. Dad was alr asleep =.='
Haha, ate dinner that mum bought. Watched tv.
Wasnt sleepy. Headache was better. :)
Switched on comp. Went online. Chatted with ain. And also the other chinese guys.
Haoyang, zhiwei and kelvin. Before that, fauzi, ilona and nasirah was there too.
Haha. I totally miss them laa. So me, hy, zhiwei and kelvin crapped. Talked abt merepek stuff.
You guys dont wna know what they were talking abt. Like srsly. Haha. Btw, i wasnt involved in
the merepek stuff they were talking abt ah. No3!! :P crapped till like 2am.
And then, i went to bed. Haha. First time sleeping at 2. After like idk how many mths has it
been. Heehee~!!
Initial plans was that they were suppose to come over to my crib and watched final destination.
But cancelled. Ain gg watch movie. And zie gt smthg on i think. So there, i'm all alone now.
Ehehs. xD eh no, got pontianak accompany me. Hehhehs. Maya came up with that pontianak
thgy lor. Lols.
Hmm, what else...? So far now, no headache. Good. Go away la headache. Go far away and
dont come back. Ever. Lol. Merepek. :P
Aiyoma........ I want ice cream... ICE CREAMMM!! come to mommy baby.. Haha.
Random. Ohh wait. I just realised smthg. I havent been gg fr my jog fr 2 days alr. Ahhhh!!!
Oh man, no..... Kkae, go jog tmr. And the next day. And nxt wk. And the nxt wk. xD
Every single day. Provided i dont feel lazy horh. Hahah. xD oh ya, and do my butt exercise too.
Hhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha~!! cnfirm merepek.
Woah!! I realised another thg. This is quite a long post today. Like wow.
First time ever. xD rofl.
Alrights alrights, i think i should better end of here.
I'll update agn. Soon...
Bye people. Dont miss me. xD
♥Feb 10, 2010
I guess i'm gna be alone at home till 6 smthg today.
♥Feb 8, 2010
Just fr the sake of wanting to keep this blog alive, let me do some updating kays :)
Though i'm kinda sleepy right now. Hehe.
Currently online with maya, and listening to this song that she's addicted to.
Timothy where have you been. Timbaland ft jet. :P
Think i'm addicted to it too. Thks to her. Haha.
So, spent the morning doing chores. Thn watched dvd with dad.
Haha! I have company. Well, at least i'm not that alone...
Watched transformers 2. Agn. Tsk tsk tsk. :)
Haiyoma. Ystd, everyone lepak upon reaching back home from JB.
Well, not exactly everyone but my parents only la.
They slept. While both my sis had to finish up on their assignments. Haha, pity them :P
And me, well, i watched tv lor.
Luckily there was no jam. So we arrived home at around... 3 plus or so..
We went to my aunt's place cs we haven't been there fr so long.
Spent the night at her house. Blah blah blah.
Went to Angsana. Mum, as usual, bought some clothes, Dad, nothing. But just take a look around only. My sisters, some malay novels. Me, haha, novels and also some tudungs. Yay~!!
Wah, i srsly missed eating Rawa Mongolian crab. Or whatever the name was. ( pic below)
We had this steamboat dinner and ny aunt ordered that..
Waliao, damn shiok! Damn delicious!
Damn, it was awesome la!!
Haha :D

Okay okay. It's making me hungry sey.
Lol! xD
Alrights, i think that's the update fr today.
So, yea.
Bye~!! :D
♥Feb 6, 2010
I'm updating fr a while only la eh.
Cs maybe gg to JB ltr on.
Haha xD
Mum asked me to go check on the traffic flow at woodlands checkpoint and also the tuas checkpoint.
So, as expected, woodlands checkpoint, alr jam at this point of time.
While at tuas checkpoint, well, all seem okay. no jam or anythg.
Right, so now, waiting fr them to come back home cs dad had to send back all the equipments back to the office. Mum followed.
Thn, we'll see how it goes la. On whether we're gg to JB or not.
Heheh, alrights thn. Thats the update fr now.
Wah, i'm still so sleepy. I need sleep.
And i wna go eat at popeye agn.
Okay okay, bye.
♥Feb 5, 2010
So nope, didn't get hotel& hospitality..
But still with the sports& leisure..
On a positive note.
It's okay la. :)
Haha, omg... i'm feeling so excited nw.
Well, theres two reasons as to why..
Firstly, getting to know whether my appeal is successful or not(results at 2pm)..
Really really really hoping that it would be.. Thn i'm getting my hotel&hospitality dip.. Yay!
If unsuccessful, hah, its okay i guess. Sports&leisure pun takpelah.. Still okay what.. xD
Oh ya, must tell bi abt the results. Cannot forget. :D
Srsly can't wait to start sch.. Actually no lah, still wna stay at home. And chill. Watch tv all day.
Nyahaha xD
Second reason is that daddy's coming home today.
One word.
Yay~!! xD
And and and, we're gg to the airport to fetch him. I think..
So, i didn't went fr my jog this morning.
Instead, i did the chores while waiting fr maya to come over.
Switched on the comp and watched music videos.
Frm beyonce's performance at the grammys to a bit of lady gaga's to jojo getting punk'd to hearing this song: timothy where have you been to miley's wardrobe malfunction to... haiyoma, a lot of other videos la eh. xP
I swear i laughed a lot today. Till my tummy hurts. Reason being, watching beyonce's performance at the grammys la. Whr she spins her head while she was on her knees. Like some crazy woman. LOLS! And maya laughed like crazy sia.
Right maya? *winks*
Haha. Funny. xD
Oh, aunt didn't came ystd. Waited and waited. =.='
Hehe, can't wait fr 2pm.
Alrights, i think i better get gg yea.
♥Feb 4, 2010
Watching oprah winfrey show nw. And jennifer hudson's in it.
Wow. Oscar and grammy-winning artist sey.
Haha, whatever. Not a fan of hers, but i do still listen to her songs though. xD
Ok ok, initial plan was to go to the gym today with maya and ain.
But maya smsed saying that she was unable to come cs she was sleepy.
Hehe. I bet she's slping nw. =.='
Penat agaknye tu. Its okay. :D
So, gg to the gym was cancelled.
But hey, i still went fr my usual morning jog at fushan garden. xD
Bought my fav nasi lemak and iced milo aft that.
Went home, ate in front of the tv. Cs ellen show was on, cannot miss.
And there's taylor swift tmr. Haha xD
Oh, mum just told me that my aunt frm m'sia coming over.
Good, at least got company.
If not, i'm gna be alone till idk what time my sis comes back frm sch.
Wee~!! Dad's coming home tmr. And i wonder if mum's gna fetch him at the airport or not..
Cs there's gna be Suria Elektra and siti nurhaliza is in it.
Pretty sure she doesn't want to miss that. xP
Haiyoma, still got encore telecast kan, can watch that what..
Haha, hope we fetch dad laah. xD
Haha, just for laugh gags nw. Funny.
Okay okay laah. Gtg.
Ahh!! Ice cream, i'm coming fr you ltr!! xD
Hahaha. K, merepek i knw.
Bye. xD
♥Feb 2, 2010
Changed my blogskin agn xD
Yea, nth to do laah. xP
Been watching tv since morning.
From ellen degeneres to oprah winfrey to jamie oliver to rachel ray nw.
So, went for a jog just nw.
Alone. At fushan garden.
Urm, ran for 6 rounds or so.
Yup, i feel good. xD
Slim slim slim... Hehe.
Mum didn't cook today. And i srsly dont knw what to eat for lunch ltr on. =.='
Lols. Haha.
Oh my god, i just realised i havent watered the plants yet.
Ah!! Better go do it nw. If not, ltr kena lecture from mum.
Ahaha!! xD
Okay okay laah.
Bye :D