♥Jan 31, 2010
Dad's doing great in Oman. Text-ed him in the morning. Mum asked me to.
Rindulah tu.. Nyahaha xP
And i found out that the time between sg and oman is like 4hrs diff.
Text dad at 10am and he told me it was 6am there. Oooh. Okay okay XD
Srsly cant wait for him to get bck here on the 5th.
Well, jogged with mum in the morn. Aft that, relaxed. Sat by the beach.
Enjoying the breeze and all.
Best.. :D
Thn, had breakfast. Duh. Went bck hm. Bathed.
All alone agn tmr.
Haiyo, chores...
Whatever la.
So gna jog agn. Uh huh. Every single day. Keep fit. XD
Okay, gg out soon. To geylang.
Bye. :D
♥Jan 29, 2010
Just now, me&sis rushed down to meet dad.
Cs needed to help dad carry some camera stuff from work.
And that he needed to park the car.
Wah, i swear all those camera stuff or whatever it was in the case was super heavy sey.
I had with me dad's blazer, this big backpack and another big bag.. whatever it was...
While sis was pulling this big big big big case... And she complained =.='
Wah, my shoulders aching...
Gee, i wonder how dad can manage all that?....
Well, he's flying off to Oman. Flight at 1 am. Me, mum and both sis gna send him.
Omg omg omg, i found out somethg.
Dad's flight is at T3. Wowwww!!!
SHInee's is at T3 too. Issit? Wah, that means im able to see zirah&ain la... Nyahaha XD
Haiya, idk la. Hehe. xP
♥Jan 28, 2010
I've appealed, through online ystd night.
After discussing with my parents of course.
So, i am really hoping that i'll get hotel& hospitality management.
If not, thn it'll be communication&information design.
And if not, thn it'll be customer relationship&service management.
All from RP. No choice. Decided not to get the 3 courses from design at NYP.
Nahh, not interested at all.
And right now, i hope that the appeal would be successful.
Better hotel&hospitality than sports&leisure.
Oh and not to forget, i am not feeling upset or whatsoever anymore.
Nor am i shouting/yelling/screaming like some crazy person at home, alone.
I feel better now than compared to ystd. :)
Thanks to those who comforted me. Really appreciate it. Lots.
Ok, i guess now, i just have to doa and berserah.
♥Jan 27, 2010
Others can get what they want, as in what course they wna do. So easily.
Me? .... Hais, nope, i didnt get what i want.
In the end, i got sports&leisure management.
Not what i expected.
Surprising, yes. Disappointed, yes. Mad, yes.
Regrets?.. Absolutely.
I regret not doing well for 'O's. I regret not achieving the scores that i want.
And that is why, i'm like stuck in the middle. Didnt pass my sci. Choices are limited.
Sports&leisure management. Hah, great...
I've not been able to fulfill my parents' dreams in wanting me to go jc.
And also not being able to get into my dream course, accountancy.
I really want to make my parents feel proud of me...
I wna go uni...
I'm ashamed. What would my relatives think of me?
Wah, like no hope like that ah.
Trying to appeal for a different course instead. Still in rp though.
Integrated events? Customer relationship? Idk...
I hope when i appeal, it'll be successful.
Ya allah, tolonglah.
Right now, my parents are counting on my other two sisters..
They have got to do extremely well in 'O's.
Get to jc. Whatever it is, be BETTER than me.
Its for their own future.
Whatever it is, no point in crying and regretting.
♥Jan 25, 2010
Finally, an update cs ain asked me to. =.='
If not, i won't even bother to update cs i have no idea on what to post about. lolls.
So, currently watching tv right now. Nothing better to do.
Msn-ing with ain and mariyah just now, after finishing doing the chores.
Eheh, so tired......... not!! Am used to doing the chores alr liao.
Nyahahaha xP
So went for a jog with mariyah this morning. At fushan garden.
Like srsly, i need to get rid off all these fats. Bulging tummy. Nyahah xP
I wna be healthy. And slim. Like all those models you know. xP
Ya allah, perasan betul la aku ni.
Hais, exercise exercise.... After that,breakfast. How to be slim like that... Tsk.
Haha XD
Okay, so this coming wednesday is the JAE results.
Wah, so nervous. Hope i'll get SP ah, accountancy...
If not, NYP..
Oh my oh my oh my.
Berdoa aje le. Hehe. XD
Okay okay, i need food now. Hungry hungry hungry.
Ciao people. xP
♥Jan 18, 2010

'only idiots cycle on walkways'
hehs. XD
Kkae, so theres catwoman tonight.
Gna watch it.
Whatever la.
♥Jan 15, 2010
Alrights, so today is someone's birthday.
And i wonder who... hmmm. *winks to mariyah*
Heehee. Someone turns 17 alr. Omgg.
Ahahaha. Kkae, happy birthday to mariyah once agn aye!! xD
I know i wished her through facebook alr, but its okay la kan to wish her agn..
Omgg. I wonder how it feels to actually be 17?
Hmm.. nvm.. i'm gna be 17 soon too. In like 2 mths.....? Ahahaha.
Omgg, time flies eh. Thn suddenly u realise ure gg to be 20 years alr. Ahhh!!
Thn 30... Gg 40... Thn 50... And thn, 60... Omgg... Old old old... Ahhh!!
Man, this is life.... Hahahaha :)
Anyways, me, amirah and hazirah treated mariyah to seoul garden ystd. At marina square.
Ain was supposed to be there with us.. but last minute, she texted me saying that she was unable to follow us...
......... and so, i waited for the train and met both hazirah&amirah in the train itself cs they took from marsiling........
alighted at city hall. waited for mariyah. and walked towards marina square.
arrived at seoul garden. paid. thn we ate. xP
~niceee!!... and mariyah actually danced to this justin timberlake song... ahaha, cool. and funny at the same time.. birthday girl la katekan. ahahaha xP
cant forget this 'fishball' incident. so the kelakar. XD heehee.
was there for like 2 hours. thn, we went separate ways...
amirah&hazirah went shopping at bugis...while me&mariyah headed home.
and and and, i really cant wait to turn 17... LOLS. xD

♥Jan 14, 2010
met up with ain, amirah and hazirah at the int.
and i was late.. wah, sorry banget deh xP
so took bus 969 to tampines.
walked towards century square.
cs the others wanted to go for a job interview at ramen ten initially.
psst, i didnt cs dad wanted me to ddk rumah dulu. xP
was in front of ramen ten, thn they decided that they didnt want to go for the interview...
i also dont know why.. ahaha :)
so we walked at century square for a while. ate at poepeye's.
damn nice la. first time mkn there xP hehe.
went to tampines one after that. walked. look at clothes etc.
went to tanjung pagar cs both hazirah&amirah needed to collect their specs.
so far go do specs. weird. ahahaha XD
i like hazirah's spectacles frame. so nice. haha, maybe should go ask my mum do specs there.
hmm... after that, train-ed to bugis. prayed at sultan mosque first.
ahhhhh!!! i want lots and lots of thgs from bugis street.
haiya, dream on la, no money also. *sobsob*
hahaha, its okay. XD
save money... wee~!!

went to sch first thg in the morning, no la actually in the aftnn to send in the SGC form.
met up with nasha in sch. xP
and after that, headed to ain's workplace at jurong birdpark cs she need to collect her pay.
and man, it was raining during the journey. habis basah kuyup. tsk3.
and and and we made fun of ain, cs of ahemahem. hehe. *winks to nasha*
mwahahaha, evil sey.
so since she's working at the hollywood dinos thgy, so ain gave us a tour around.
hahaha. okay la. XD
nasha went home aft that so me and ain proceeded to jurong pt to mkn.
so very the hungry. had ayam penyet surabaya XD
so uh huh, thats that.

dah takde kerje... hahaha :D

LOLlipop!! XD

wahahahaha... XD

i forgot whats the date, urm... 7/01 eh?
agaknye la tu.. hehe XD
went for the 'legends' class outing.
got back home late at night....
ish ish ish.
hehehehehehehehe XD



sapsap& me


i wonder what they're thinking about...
♥Jan 12, 2010
but i still can't sleep. oh, wth.
hmm, i've alr made my decisions as in which course im taking and which poly...
so, i'm hoping that i'll get what i want.
pls, help me..
♥Jan 11, 2010
Wow, today's the big big big big day.
Panic. Nervous. Excited. All at the same time.
.... Okay, i think i need to chill ..... :D
Anyways, ALL THE BEST to all those taking the results today..
No, later on.. :D
Heehee !!
♥Jan 6, 2010
Tmr going to the legends class outing.
So yeah.. Am looking forward to that.
At least, i wouldnt be that bored.
Kay, bye people.
♥Jan 2, 2010
Second day in the month of january alr.
Hah, hopefully it's still not too late to wish all you guys a happy new year :D
Omygosh, 2010 now. Results going to be released soon. AH, panic panic.
I'm counting the days and it's drawing nearer and nearer.
Last time, it was like what, 2mnths? Now, left with only days... I say mayne..
Seram banget la dey. Ahhhhhh!
Woke up this morning with a headache. Was tired. Had kenduri ystd night.
Slept at 2 smmore cos was watching lord of the rings. :D
Maybe, i should asked mum to buy me the... 'head-on'... issit?
Ala, the one where you can apply it on your forehead whenever your having a headache..
Just in case... Hah.
Sent aunt from m'sia to checkpoint just now. Proceeded to thomson cos car needed some servicing..
Took the bus to thomson plaza. Walked. Thn ate, agn. Mane la tak gemuk. Ish3, takpe..
After car was done with servicing, cwp was our next destination. Walked agn. Aish. Same old thg.
Went to marsiling next. Bought thgs that was necessary for both sis cos sch going to reopen in 2 days time la kan. Haha :D
Argh, adik got new phone. Nokia 5530 Xpress music. Gerek kan :D
Takpe, i'm getting mine soon... :D weehoo.
Aish, i dont think i can sleep tonight. Why eh?...
Sigh ):
Maybe cos theres no kecoh-ness kot. And no laughter too. Iyela, aunt pun dah balik m'sia...
Kiteorg pun selalu bbal, ketawe sebelum tido.
Nehhmind, try to sleep.. ^^
Ahh, still figuring out what i should do at home this coming monday.
Parents working, adiks schooling. Double aish.