♥Dec 29, 2009
Haish, i am bored today. Super bored. Alone at home now.
Mum and dad went out, as usual during their off days. Don't wna let it go to waste
just by staying at home. Hmm, so true.
Second sis has some day camp smwhr. Somethg to do with dance i think.
And third sis went to go ngaji.
So yep, currently watching tv. Sayembara cerpen. Some old show.
Now replaced by projek cerpen. Kan?? Hah, i guess so ^^ Hehe.
Any interesting shows to watch on tv tonight tak?
Hmm. Well, theres the mentalist, thats interesting. CSI, ineresting too.
Thats all kan. Hmm. First class, PCK... Ala, susah sgt, tgk aje la semue cerite. Fullstop.
Haha ^^.
Was listening to ria fm just now. And guess who was with the deejays?
Hah, its sezairi and sylvia. Ohmygosh, sezairi... ;)
Alamak, i got to know that sezairi has a soft spot for women wearing specs.
Hehe. Im wearing specs. Do i get a chance sezairi?? Haha, choy la :D
Well, he has someone he likes alr la. *sobsob* hais.
Haha, kidding. I'll be waiting for his album then. ^^
Kkae, maybe going out with my classmates tmr.
Hehe ^^.
Aites, okay la. Going to watch ellen now.
Take care people.
P.s : i love you :D
♥Dec 28, 2009

oh man, this SI stuff got me sleepy.
Like pillow la. haha ^^
Am all alone at home right now. With grandfather of course. My turn to take care of him.
Mum and dad went out with both my sisters to cwp i think.
To buy their sch books for next year. And also sch uniforms for third sis who's starting sec1 in
2010. Haish, dah besar dah. Haha ^^
Anyway, going to Singapore Idol grand finale was extremely awesome.
Best la, with SEZAIRI winning the title.. Haha, tak ke shiok tu. Woohoo :D
So so so, went to the indoor stadium with ain&her siblings, hazirah..
Not forgetting rey, fir and *ehemehem* too. Ala3, with dear too.. ;D
Haha, so long sey never see dear. Just texted him and talked on the phone only.
Finally, seeing him yesterday. Happy banget gue.. ^^
So so so, train-ed to city hall. Changed. Then proceeded to kallang. Wanted to take bus 11 tapi
punye la lame. Ramai org jgk tu. In the end, we walked.. Haha.. Doesnt feel like 26 mins at all.
Tapi penat la dey.
Hmm, took our seats. Show started.. Was reminded me when i went there during the last
season where Hady won. And that night was also...... Oh, dont remind me about it. Hais.
Argh, sezairi was super duper cute la wey. And theres this part during the beginning
performance where sezairi was like touching sylvia's cheek.... i was like " OHMYGOSH, it was
supposed to be me instead of sylvia. Argh!!! So jealous.. " Hahahaha, lolls. SS.
Yadayadayada, ladida... All performances were so gereks. Esp charice.. Hah, totally blown away
by her vocals sey. WOW!! haha.. Taufik was cute.. Hady was cute... And sezairi was cute too.
I say man.... ^^
Results show was next. Damn scary. I swear i was like shaking and stuff. Thought that sylvia
was going to win... But but but, when gurmit announced sezairi's name... Jumping like hell..
Hahaha. :D kkae, best. A malay guy won agn this season. So, im wondering who's going to be
next? Hmmm...
Took a cab home. Tired. Went to bed. Slept smpi ter-miss subuh pagi tadi. Ya allah.
Sleepy agn now. Haiyo. Man, am hungry now. Guess i have to wait till the others get back.
And then, i'll have my lunch :D
Hehe, bye...
♥Dec 26, 2009
Ohmygosh, i just realised that it's been a while since i last updated.
Haha ^^ I'm tired and lazy to post nowadays. Nak switch on laptop pun tak terlarat. Lols.
Hmm. Not going out today i guess.
Mum says i'm the only one among my sisters who goes out often.
I was like huh... Both my sisters are the ones...not me sey.
I am always at home... Duh..
Oh, forget it.
Currently listening to songs on youtube.
Nothing else better to do now...
Gahh, this ulcer of mine is still here.
Been a few days already.
Ahh, i don't even care.
Haish, what am i going to do... Help me la.. I'm bored..
But looking forward to tomorrow actually.
Singapore Idol Grand Finale.. ^^
Till then... Bye..
♥Dec 9, 2009
woah, i am so hyper today. Why eh? Hmm.
Is it because of the morning workout i did today?
Haha, so the merepek. But srsly, i feel good.
It' s been a while since i last exercised.
Heehee XD
Well3, today's post is going to be short. Cos i'm lazy.
Haha ^.^
I am so elated. Happy to the max sey.
Haha. Imagine all the tension on my sisters' faces yesterday. My dad was kind of relaxed.
And he was like " Listen to me la. Relax. Sezairi going through. Confirm."
Well, i hope so. Cos i thought it was tabby and sylvia la.
Sylvia got through first, so that's okay. Expected.
Then, it was between tabby and sezairi.
Arghh!! Tension3! As soon as gurmit announced sezairi's name saying that he is going through,
i was like WOWWWW!!! WOOHOO!! YAY! SEZAIRI!! ^.^
Happy giler beb.
And dad gave me that i-told-you-so kind of look. Haha.
So true. XD
And i cried. Haha, funny.
Go sezairi!! :D
♥Dec 8, 2009
Currently watching tv right now with the laptop infront of me.
Haha, can't think of anythg else i can do..
Oh wait, i just remembered i still have my madrasah exams.
Left with ahklak, fiqh, arab and tajwid. Oh man! ^^ haha.
Waliao, another long bus ride to madrasah aljunied. -.-
It's okay. Left only with week and i'm done babyy. Woohoo XD
All alone cs both sis went out. Their turn to watch New Moon now.
Cs i watch it alr. Ystrday with ain and ayu.
Omygosh, New Moon was a blast! Best best best ^.^
I wna watch it agn. Srsly.
Anybody going to watch it, remember to count me in okay.
Haha, lmao XD
Haish, i am so jealous of Bella.
Dah la lawa, ade 2 hot(super hot) guys pulak tu.
Haha, ape aje.

Omygosh, i like it whenever jacob is shirtless. Hot sia. Woohoo XD lols.
And the part where he hugs Bella, it was like WOAH!! Jacob, give me one too. ^.^

Edward.. Well, i absolutely like everythg about him.
I love the way he walks, the way he looks at Bella, the way he smiles...
heehee, and looking at him just reminds me of someone <3>
Kk, enough of New Moon alr, eh tonight ade singapore idol.
Sezairi sezairi sezairi. ^.^
Too bad mom couldn't get tickets for tonight's spectacular show.
Ahaha, s'okay.
And it's okay kalau sezairitak dpt gi finals pun..
Cs being in the top3 is alr good kan, from thousands who came down for the auditions.
But if he gets to being in the finals, it is even better. XD
We'll just see eh.
Okla, i'm hungry now. And i need food.
Alrights then, bye people ^.^
Don't miss me k. Mwahaha
♥Dec 3, 2009
Ahh. Me and second sis just argued.
Heeheee. It's super funny la.
I didn't expect her to take it so seriously.
Well, i was making some negative comments about
Somethg about how she can't dance or whatsoever it was..
Then in turn, she make negative comments about
sezairi also.saying he sucks to the core.Waliao. Pfft.
Anyway, i'm not angry la actually.
Shouldn't have even started it in the first place.
Haha ^^
Sorry eh.
Speaking of which..
Yesterday was awesome la!!
It was like wow XD
The atmosphere was lively.. Duh!
The fans and family members was screaming and shouting to their idols.
Super Terrific la!! XD
Best Best Best ^^
Firstly,my siblings and i met ain at the interchange.
Supposedly, we should be meeting her at 5 exactly.
But, heehee. My siblings and i was late.
Mrt-ed to yishun. And then, we took bus service 855.
Alighted at this bus stop near the petrol kiosk and walked towards mediacorp.
Then, waited at the reception.
Wah, alot of people sey. XD
Kite pun mcm blur2 jgk la.
First time pe. XD
Selenge pun ade.
We showed this lady our tickets. We were supposed to be seated at sector S of the tv theater.
So she told us to line up at this queue. Ok la tu, so we queued. For quite some time.
Suddenly, this man came up and told these people in front of us whether they queued to be in the moshpit.
It dawned on me that we actually queued up to be in the moshpit when we're actually supposed to be seated.
Wah, panicked sia.
So, we rushed back to that lady and told her.
She apologised and say we could straightaway proceed to the tv theater.
So malu sey. And we queued up for about 15mins.
Haha, tak ke selenge tu namenye?
Heehee. LOLS ^^
Yadayadayada, the show started. AHHH! SEZAIRI!!
Was shouting my lungs out. Screaming and stuff. Haha.
Die hard fan.. XD
This boy seated 3 seats away from me was kinda irritating.
A tabitha and sezairi fan i bet, he kept shouting for charles and sylvia to go back home.
lol -.-
Cos the show ended at 9, so we got this 1hour break.
While all other people, girls in particular are going gaga and taking snapshots with farhan shah and duane and malaque, we just remained seated.
Damn lazy to go take pictures with them. Haha XD
Huh, did i mention that farhan shah was super cute? Yup, he is cute!! ^^
There was this dance battle going on, between this guy and girl. Ergh, not interested.
Duane sang bad romance and danced to the song poker face i think.. while malaque belly-danced.
Haha, not bad XD
Results show was next. And i swear, the atmosphere there became so tensed.
I was on the verge of crying waiting for the results between sezairi and charles.
Tension3. Hoped it wasn't sezairi who was going home yesterday night.
When gurmit announced that charles was going home, i was elated sia XD
Hahah, the whole theater was filled with joy esp those sezairi fans.
WOWWW! luckily sey. ^^
Well, really am hoping that he's going to make it to the finals.
Insya allah eh. Continue voting for him aye XD
Go sezairi, go!!! :D
Well, i hope mom will get tickets for the next spectacular show.
Wna go there agn. Go see sezairi!! Give him my support. ^^
Till then, BYE!! xP
♥Dec 1, 2009
It's a plain Monday for me. Nothing much.
Did the chores.. As usual, i'm the one who always does it..
Haha, don't expect both my sisters to do it la.
Cos i know they won't.
Lmao. ^^
So basically, the day's been spent just by doing the chores and watching tv.
Anyway, they are doing some hiphop workout now..
A workout at this time, that's weird sey.
Cos in my opinion, workout's best done in the morning.
Wow, time flies so fast eh.
December already. Gee. In about one month's time or more, the results are out.
Gosh, so scary la. >.<
Dad's been asking me whether i wna go jc or poly..
And indeed, i've already made my decision. And i know what i want.
I hope i'll be able to get to poly. I think that's the safest route for me.
If i'm qualified for jc, that will definitely be better.
Well, we'll just wait and see. :D
Anyway, i can't wait for tomorrow you know.
Well, mom got tickets to watch singapore idol from her colleague.
That's what i like about mom's work. ^^
No doubt, i'm absolutely excited for tomorrow.
I mean, why wouldn't i be? I'll get to see sezairi!! Woohoo!! :D
From far pun takpe la. Haha :D
Kk,that means we'll have to be there early cos the seats are like first come first serve basis.
(looks to both adeks) takmo lmbt2 eh. Hahha. ^^
Guys, don't forget to vote for sezairi alright, esp you eh.
Heehee XD
Alrights, vote for whoever you guys like la..
Sezairi!!!!! Argghh.... XD
Kk, i better get going people.
Take care alrights. ^^
Oh ya, New Moon in 2 days time.. Woohoo!!!! XD