♥Nov 28, 2009
Ystrd was okay. Since it was hari raya aidiladha, breakfast was awesome :)
Woohoo XD well, i had lontong with chicken curry, smbl goreng etc.
Simply delicious. Heehee XD
Had two to three plates of it i think..
Woah, confirm i'd gained some weight -.-
Lol. Haha.
So, aunt from malaysia came down.
Talked and laughed.
They stayed at home while my family and i went to visit another aun's house in yishun.
Watched tv and ate cornflakes.
Sedap la . Yumm XD
Smpi habis 1 container. Lol XD
Yadayada, we got back home anddd i ate again. As expected XD
Watched Nur Kasih and I'm Not Single and I Am Legend.
So basically, at least ystrd was something.
Hehheh XD
Well, today i don't think i'll be going out.
But mom and dad are..
I guess i'll be watching tv and stuff.
Oooo, there's going to be a movie kan tonight..
Pirates of the carribean..
So jyeah, i might not wna miss that.. Haha, first time watching... -.-
Lol, i also can't wait for New Moon.. Woohoo!!! XD
Oh yeah, LPPI exams also coming right up -.-
I hope my adek can get to go Fuchun Sec next yr.
Dad's prediction is that she'll get Marsiling instead.
Well, most of the times, his predictions are always right.
So maybe, my adek will get Marsiling...
And he told me that he can alr guess what kind of results i'll get for 'O's..
I told him not to tell me now.. Scarryy..
Wah, i seriously don't want to disappoint them sey.
Omygosh, i hope it'll be good.
♥Nov 25, 2009
Nothing much to do now, because chores all done.
Well, excluding watering the plants which i have yet to do..
Oh man, i'll do it after this ^.^
Been trying to take a nap since just now to ease this headache of mine.
But that doesn't seem to help in any way..
Irritating la this headache.
On and off. Urghh..
Well, youngest sis just went out with her madrasah friends to the library.
Second sis has a 2day camp.. Back today, later on at 5pm from Underwater World..
So, that's left with me, dad and grandfather..
Mom's working.. Dad's having his off day today..
Each one of us seems to be minding our own business..
I'm on the comp, blogging and maybe listening to some songs later on..
Dad's having his nap.. as usual..
Grandfather's watching tv... as expected especially at this time...
Haha XD
Not sure what's our plans today.
Maybe going out, maybe not..
Haven't had the chance to go out with friends yet..
Arggh, damn mosquito(scratches hand)
Always biting here and there..
And surprisingly, i'm the one who's always kena bitten.
Wth.. -.-
Leave me alone la you...
Hahahaha, mosquitoes...
So, ain came over ystrd with her youngest bro..
Watched dvds, played games..
She's just like me.. Super bored staying at home all day..
Hahahaha XD
Woohoo, i'm counting the days for New Moon to be out.
Can't wait to watch it la.. XD
Team Jacob, no... Team Edward... no...
I don't know, half of me wants to be with team jacob while the other half, team edward...
Heehee XD
Kk, Singapore Idol tonight.
Don't wna miss it..
Haha, rooting for sezairi.. XD
Aiyo, right now bored again..
What should i do?
♥Nov 23, 2009
Currently listening to songs on youtube.
Andddd, i'm hooked to these two particular songs.
Wherever you will go by The Calling and time for miracles by Adam Lambert.
Hohohohohoho XD
I'm bored right now.
Ensure all chores are done first thg because i don't want to get any lectures from mom.
Later she'll say i'm lazy, whatsoever...
Ish, taknak sey. XD lols
Heehee, woke up a bit late today.
Supposedly must meet up with the others, at 8am for a game of badminton.
Tapi bgn pukul 10.. Baguslah tu.. Hohohoho ^.^
So, smsed ain to say sorry... yadayadayada...
But they played monopoly instead...
Okayyy... That's weird...
Heehee XD
Kk, i think i'll better do some revisions for LPPI exams la.
Take care people.
♥Nov 22, 2009
I'm feeling rather exhausted right now.
Penat berjalan kot.
Hehhs XD
So, brisked walk with mom in the morning at sbwg park.
That's our usual routine on weekends..
Or should i say, only on Sunday mornings.. ^.^
Had breakfast after that.
Got back home and quickly bathed.
Got ready for my religious class.
Hmm, and today's our last official lesson together with the ustazah.
Because in 2 weeks time is the start of the LPPI exams.
Which i have yet to study -.-
But anyways, feeling quite sad too la.
Surely going to miss all those times in class.
Missing all those guys who always brought joy and laughter to the class...
Hehhs ^.^
Waited for mom at admiralty bus stop.
Headed straight to fetch my dad from his workplace and proceeded to Expo..
Mom says there's an indonesian fair or whatever it is called..
And she doesn't want to miss it...
Aiyo, each year same thg aje. Takde any difference pun. -.-
Went to the john little's fair next.
Still, same thg...
Hohohohoho, and i got so damn hungry..
So we headed to the foodcourt to eat kejap... XD
Tummy's full and we went to geylang next.
Mom's favourite hotspot on weekends. ^.^
Walked and walked..
Tired so we lepak skejap dkt teh tarik eating house, i think.
Was watching the athletico madrid- barcelona match..
Boring.. -.-
Not my fave.. Hohohoho XD
Which reminds me, i still have yet to know the results for manutd match against everton..
waliao... nehhmind
Thought of going out tomorrow.
Bored of sitting at home actually.
But, i don't know.
Am lazy too at the same time..
Till here then..
Too tired to go on...
♥Nov 18, 2009
hey xD
Kind of bored actually right now.
Downloaded some songs into my phone.
Pfft, no idea what to do then..
So i figured out that maybe blogging might be some kind of help.
Gee, but i seriously have no idea on what to blog about -.-
Kk, let's think of somethg aye...
Weehoo! Sezairi's going through to the next round.
YAY!! XD Sezairi has been my absolute fave from the beginning.. ^.^
He's super talented... yadayadayada...
Quite shocked with the results just now.
Didn't expect Faizal to be out actually since he has like so many supporters...
Ohohoho XD totally unexpected sey.
But anyways, so long as Sezairi and Sylvia are in, i'm fine... XD
Go Sezairi, go!!! Go Sylvia, go!!! XD
And, so there's going to some netball camp tomorrow...
All seniors are supposed to come because as far as i knw, the juniors did plan
somethg for us, the seniors..
Oh, there's this farewell party too.
Hais, i want to attend it...
But then, i guess i can't because i'm needed at home..
I mean, i can't afford to just leave my grandfather at home all alone right?
A big no no, because i've been tasked to take care of him while my parents are out working.
Who knws he might need my help or anythg.
I must not neglect what i'm supposed to do..
Anyway, i appreciate it lots what the juniors have done..
Since they've put in a lot of effort...
Aiyooo... this headache of mine seems to be killing me each time la.
Tsk, hope it goes away soon. Pls.
♥Nov 17, 2009
heyheyho XD
Currently at home, with dad and sis.
Mum's working.
Not sure if we're going out or anythg.
Urm, and if we are, maybe we'll be going to toa payoh.
So meanwhile, i'm just going to spend the time reading the novels i've borrowed
or just do some blogging or maybe listen to some songs.
uh huh XD
ohhoho XD
yesterday, i've had weird dreams.
May not be that weird to you guys, but it is weird to me.
First dream: I went to this place. Looks like an island. Except that the water and sands were white in colour which was rather unusual. I was greeted by these few people who was all covered in black. They didn't utter any words but just nodded and helped me carry my thgs. That was surprising indeed. Andandand, i got to that place by this speedboat that was situated just outside my house and that there were no other houses and everythg was covered by water. Andandand, there were no other people on that island except me and those black people. -.-
Second dream: I dreamt i was Adam Lambert's girlfriend. LOL -.- sadly to say, it only lasted for a few hours la. Hehhs XD kk, so i was entering vivocity, all alone. uh huh, vivo sey XD
Windowshopped, when suddenly Adam Lambert came up to me and asked me to be his gf. Waliao, so random sey. Speechless because seriously, idk what to do when Adam Lambert asked me that... Hohoho XD so i just stared at him with that blurr look on my face.
After that, zappp! He just took my hand and vuala! I became his gf. Just like that. Weird3.
He bought me this long dress and asked me to change into it. So yea, i changed. And then, he hold my hand again. People are staring at us and whispering. "Omygosh, Adam Lambert has a gf?" hohoho XD that was funny. Then, we got to this part where there's all these cameraman waiting. There was this stage and got to realise that he's going to sing. Suddenly, there's this huge crowd who was screaming his name... Like kena hysteria sey. Omygosh. And these cameraman walked to me and asked "so, whats your relationship with Adam Lambert?"
......" urm... his gf" ...... that was my reply... LOL XD.
and when he's done singing, he just walked off with this other lady and ignoring me.
See, i told you it's weird... And funny too XD
Told my dad and he was laughing like mad.
Hohohoho XD
kk, enough of all this crap la.
Hope there's going to be more weird dreams tonight..
Hohohohoho XD
♥Nov 16, 2009
hohoho XD
....well, didn't get to go sap's hse for movie marathon :(
she's busy or smthg i think, can't remember what ain told me.
So, headed to marsiling. Met ain and then went to woodlands polyclinic to
get medicine for my grandfather.
Upon arriving, straightaway went to counter 8. Just like what my mom told me too.
Explained to the lady at the counter.
And all she replied was that i need to go to the pharmacy.
Okay la tu, then proceeded to the pharmacy.
Told the person the same thg.
And her reply was that i needed to go and register first.
Eh, wth. -.-
Went to the registration counter.
Mayne, i'm sosososo thankful to this danny lookalike for helping me.
If not, i think i'll be going back and forth from the counter and pharmacy sey.
and so i needed to wait till 2 before i'm able to get the medicine.
Decided to go fuchun cc and eat kfc.
And that was my breakfast cum lunch.
Luckily ain was with me...
Hais, then proceed back to the polyclinic and saw hazirah with her nenek coming out from the taxi.
Me and ain then rushed to help her la.
Bdk baik keper ^.^
hehhs XD
waited and waited and waited.
mygosh, tak sanggup sey.
and finally got the medicine.
Went to the library and borrowed 2 malay novels.
going to spend the time reading them la eh.
walked for awhile before going back home.
i'm so pissed off with my sis actually.
don't wna elaborate abt it.
♥Nov 15, 2009
heyheyheyho freakos XD
currently, youngest sis is playing boxhead ^.^
hehheh, now she gets to feel all the funfunfun playing that game alright. XD
me? oh no3, i ain't going to play boxhead today.
going out soon with mom.
uh huh, to geylang... woohoo ^.^
but got to wait for her to come back from a wedding she's attending with her friend.
no idea what time she'll be back..
hehhs XD
went to sembawang park for a jog with mom this morning.
well, not exactly a jog la but just brisk walk. LOL >.<
had breakfast then.
rushed back home, freshen myself...
and then, went out again for madrasah.
hehhs, tak boleh ponteng this time round eh XD.
surprisingly, arab was easy today.
LOL, did i just say that?!?
oooh, uh huh, yes i did XD
hehhs, don't ever dream of me saying arab is easy la.
it's never, ever easy for me..
but anyways, i hope i'll get dist for my LPPI exam..
jia you XD boleh2..
omygosh, theres this resident living on the opposite block of mine karaoke-ing..
irritating. he's not even singing... well, that's what i think ^.^
hehhs, i'm so baddd! >.<
k, LOLS!!
alrightay, can't wait for tmr la.
movie marathon at sap's hse.
hindustani, hindustani, hindustani...
so going to sing and dance to it..
eh3 atiqah, better behave yourself eh XD
LOLS! again...
hehhs :D
k la, better get going...
dad's back from APEC thgy..
off to geylang now...
p.s : iloveyouokay XD
'XD' for more than urm... 20 times alr eh..
♥Nov 14, 2009
heyheyheyho darlings XD
it's a plainplainplainplain saturday for me today.
didn't go out. Just stayed at home with mum and granddad.
both sis had their own plans.
modern dance and birthday party, yea yadayadayada ^.^
had breakfast with mom and then followed her to buy some groceries.
got what we wanted and then went back home.
ooohh, and mom cooked briyani today..
omygosh, it was superb i tell you..
had 3-4 plates of it i think.
LOL, i'm so going to be fat liao >.<
hahahahaa ;D
did chores and mom was like surprised..
she was like "eh kak, knape tibe2 rajin ni? Ade ape2 ke?"
and duh, i was like grinning to myself when she said that.
hihhihhs, mayne, i did it out of my own will...
and nope, i don't asked for anythg in return.
...buat kerje tu biarlah ikhlas iye... ^.^
alright, time for boxhead now baby.
now seriously addicted to this game sey. XD
played this for hours ystrday with dearest sis..
uh huh, we made a good team alright ^.^
funfunfunfun shooting down those zombies/robots, whatever it was...
hihhihhs XD
♥Nov 12, 2009
i'm all tired out right now actually.
but still am not able to sleep just yet.
going to listen to MJ12 tonight. It's a must la!!
gotta be brave... aiyoo.
anyway, had fun today going out with friends.
plusplusplus, it's a memorable one too.
hehhs :D
met up with ain at the interchange.
and she was late as usual -.-
no la, actually we both were.
hehhs :D
took the mrt to toa payoh and met up with mariyah.
then, took bus 57 to get to the defence technology towers where mariyah's supposed to
collect her prize...
butbutbut, we alighted at the wrong stop...
walked but then it rained. wth. so we ran to the next nearest bus stop.
then decided to take a cab to the place. lol.
furthermore, the bus journey was like 1 hr plus.
punye la boring...
upon arriving, we were told to surrender camera phones since it's not allowed to be brought in.
punye la leceh...
but it's okay. So then, we got into the power98 station.
since it was lunchtime, so we had to wait till abt 3 for the person handling these stuffs to come back.
and while waiting, guess what?
hehhs :D the manager invited us take a look around in their studio..
and now i knw exactly how a dj's life is like and mayne, it is cool...
so, met up with jensen ho and this newcomer dj. shook hands...
wowowowowowow!!! bestbestbest :D
we saw sebastian sim too, and he was like 'hey girls!'
kk, and we were like 'HEY!'
arghh! hehhs :D k, relax.
so then, mariyah got what she won. A miley cyrus's album with some other stuffs.
went to novena square to eat. kfc.
omgosh, fast food again sey...
these days i realised that i'm prone to eating to fastfoods.
it was macs ystrday, kfc today... tmr? LJS?
omgosh, a big no3 there. must refrain from eating fastfoods.
otherwise,i'll be fat...
walked for a while...
then went singgah cwp with ain.
hahhah, got a belated bday gift from ain.
she bought me some bangles...
as in, i choose, she pays for it..
woah!! k, best la kan org blanja. Bknnye selalu pun :D
thanks anyway yea :D
andandand, i saw him. yes him... hehhs:D
went back home after that.......
tmr, ain's coming over to my crib to chill...
maybe watch some videos.
kaes, i'll better get going yea...
i love you!! :D
and take care
♥Nov 10, 2009

arrgh!!! i love them!! been listening to their songs non-stop.
hehhs :D think i'm addicted to this korean boyband.
and kamsa hamnida to hazirah for introducing them to me ^^
currently at home.
did chores that i've been tasked to do, studied and watched tv.
hehhs ^^
didn't go out today.
parents and sistarz all went out to watch 2012...
must be an interesting movie, just assuming that after watching the trailer just now.
hehh ^^ have fun alrights.
paranormal activity looks interesting too.
that's definitely going to be on my list of movies that i'm so going to watch :D
seriously, i can't wait for tmr.
the day where the 'O's are officially over...
uh huh, i'm free! ^^
meaning more outings with family and friends...
and spending more time with my beloved Zathrun.
uh huh, my guitar...
it's been left unattended for months i bet.. hihhihs :D
hais, now i'm bored :(
currently missing someone :(
okay, so now i guess i should be heading back to studying.
take care and i love yahh ^^
annyeong haseyo!
mayne, it's already past 1am and i still can't sleep.
gee, how great is that?!
but nehhmind, s'okay la :D
as there is no paper scheduled today...
not listening to MJ12 tonight since everyone else is already in lalaland, except me :(
so i don't really bother to listen to it when i'm all alone...
well, nothing much been happening ystrday.
spend the whole afternoon watching dvds etc.
watched G.I Joe.
and i was the one who really commented a lot during the movie...
me: ehk alamak, cool seyh si scarlett ni. I wna be like her la.
adeklyna(2nd sis): iye2 la, dlm mimpi aje larh ehk kak.
me: whatever.... wow! duke is so hottt larh seyh! (eyes wide open)
adeklyna: kak, can you pls SHUTUP? -.-
hehhehhs, oops sorry.
kk, must keep my mouth shut when watching ANY movie.
aft that, my mum fetched me, my adeks&dad...
went to marsiling to have our dinner.
texted syg, wish him all the best for his papers...
continued texting him till 1045...
felt bored, so i decided to study...
sm on phys and sm on chem.....
andandand i can't wait for this thurs.
will be accompanying mariyah to collect her miley cyrus's album prize...
maybe jalan2 aft that larh :D
andandand, my mum got free premier tickets to 2012, i think...
sadly, theres only 4...
but i don't think i'm going...
decided to stay at home and take care of my atuk instead...
k la, feeling sleepy now.
take care k.
love yahh! :D
♥Nov 8, 2009
hey darls.
well, im bored. Are you?
hehhs, urm, going out with mum later to cwp ;D
gee, and it looks like it's going to rain soon...
skipped madrasah today..
hehhs, i'm so bad...
the LPPI's exams going to be held at madrasah aljunied
and i don't even know where the heck is that seyh.
hahaha, lols.
anyway, congrats to mariyah, again, for winning that Miley Cyrus's new album :D
huh, kaes, today's post is a short one la eh.
ehk3, i miss you!!
hehhehhs :D
♥Nov 6, 2009
hey darlings.
omgosh, how long have i not been blogging?!
gee. it must have been long aye.
hehhs, been busy mugging for the 'O's of course.
but now, everythg's going to be over.
i'm loving it....
lalalalalalalalala! :D
so anyway, i'm actually left with only 1 last paper...
sci mcq on the 11th nov..
yeah, and that's the last official day of 'O's
happy banget lah weyh.
and i got a good feeling that i'm going to do well, urh i think.
papers have been easy and manageable, no doubt about that.
well, it being done is one thg but waiting anxiously for the results is another.
urrghh, kk, don't think about it first la. hehhs:D
well, intended to look for a job...
but i guess kena put on hold first kot.
still got my madrsh LPPI exams coming up. hehhs :D:D
andandand, i'm so going to watch New Moon with my budds:D
omgosh, tak sabar seyh.
WNA SEE JACOB AND EDWARD!!! ahhhh! so hott...
andandand, more of watching hindustan movies at sap's hse...
or maybe, my budds are coming over to my crib...
well, idk, let's just see how it goes aye. :D
last watched kabhi khusi kabhi gham at naddy's open hse... :D
hehehes :D
well, i guess i'll just end here la eh.
take care kay people. soo going to miss you all...
esp you...