♥Sep 15, 2009
wassup yawrs? hahahahhs, llawls.
weyhhs, had my maths andd chemistry paper tday.
hurhur.. ape la seyh. -.-'
maths was ohkay, easier than paper1 in factt.
first time dapat habiskan paper.
~first time ever tauu!~
mayne, i'm soo happyy! ^^
alhamdullilah :)
wasted la. studied for chemistry already but still like whatt.
my mind went blank terus seyh :(
regretted for not studying physics.
alah! stupid,stupid,stupid la.
aishh :(
no hopes in achieving good grades for combined science then.
aiyooyoo :(
last day of prelims esk.
amaths and poa paper..
dread -.-'
must buck up for amaths.
scaryy la.
tutor told me to just do my best tmr, masih ade 1month plus to brush up on
my weak points..
alrightayy la:D
boleh buat, jiayou! ^^
oh yeah, must remember to be on time for poa tmr.
cannot lambat lambat, don't want to be like last time.
siann la.
hahhahhs :D
ohkay, gotta do amaths&poa now.
take care guys!!!
♥Sep 14, 2009
physics, done.
maths paper1, done.
yay! ^^
happy, and sort of relief at the same time.
mmm, quite uncertain on hw i'd do though.
for physics especially, main concern there.
no doubt, the paper was easy.
luckily managed to spend some time flipping through the notes.
&to memorise some of the formulas.
maths was ohkay. not too hard either.
manageable, but didn't manage to finish up on all questions.
anyway, the last few days of the holidays was indeed enjoyable.
boleh la tahan.

on saturday, did some cornflakes in the morning.
guarantee sedaapp tau.
come my hse this raya& i'll give you ohkayys.
lolls ^^
break fast at my uncle's hse before heading to geylang.
yupyups, again.
couldn't get tired of it aye, ever i tell you. ^^
luckily this time, there were parking lots available.
pheww.. selamatt seyh.
was there for 4-5hours..
bought quite a number of things. roses, etc.
stopped by serai makan place, as suggested by mum.
saying she's tired&stuff.
hahhahhs, finallyyy.. actually, we all were too.
ordered some drinks&watched the {arsenalvsmancity}match.
>boring-ness< -.-'
god knws which side they were supporting for, but when man city was leading,
they were like 'boo! gi balik la arsenal', 'eh,arsenal sucks tdm la weyh'
no offence la ohkayys arsenal fans.
wanted to watch manutd game after that. but too bad, prnts wanted to go home.
alah, merajuk la :(
my only chance to watch the game, but what to do.
but they won anyway, so yea, i'm happy for that la actually. :D
double,double yayness!!! ^^
went to cwp ystrday to buy shoes for raya.
got a pair from heatwave.
cantikk dok.
hahhahhs, went round&round looking for adekk's.
finally got hers aft hw manyy rounds.
ohkay, best... :)
alrightay, that's it i guess for nw aye.
take care aites^^
♥Sep 11, 2009

hey readers.
yesterday was indeed an awesome time la.
other than going to the library, the girls and i decided to break fast together.
so, we met up at kfc fuchun cc at 6pm.
there were 10 of us.
watita,ayu,nad,nasha,shawindah,ain,zizo,me,sap and nadiah.
some were unable to join us, so that's a bit sad.
but s'okay la, anyway it's yayness with the others too.
fun fun fun, hope we can have more time like this.
hahhahhs, and it's been a while since we had zizo with us.
so, when she there yesterday, it was like wow! :D
we are sooo going to jalan raya-ing together..
saw some ex-qihuaians there.
but i doubt they still remember me.
went back home as i was feeling quite exhausted while zizo,nasha,nadiah&wa went
to the bazaar.
another 2more days before school starts.
meaning more papers coming right up.
maths, amaths and sciences.
eh, i am super duper scared for physics la.
idk, somehow i don't feel confident about it.
but i knw, i have to try somehow.
mmm, should i focused more on chemistry?
try to get an A1 for it, so that it can pull up my combined science grades.
and neglect physics? not entirely, but only some parts of it?
mm, but what are the possibilities?
how how how???
nevermind la, i think study both better, to be safe at least.
oh gosh.
ohkay, guess i might end off here.
till then, take care people.
♥Sep 10, 2009
will be off to the library in 2hours time.
hahhahhs :D
going to study physics and maths tday.
andandand, i'm done with chemistry.
YAY!! a job well done.
~grins widely~
well, nothing much been happening during this holidays.
didn't go out much also.
except to geylang again last tuesday with mum&second sis.
an enjoyable time indeed but tiring at the same time.
thank goodness, there wasn't many people.
bought myself a pretty black kurung.
hah, the one i've been eyeing for.
finally, i've gotten it.
success, success...
was there for nearly 4-5 hours.
me&my sis were already tired out with all those walking.
with thirst&hunger already gripping.
but, my mum still wants to continue walking.
hihhihhs:D i really salute my mum sey.
ohkay, hari raya in about 9days.
hooray, i'm sooo looking forward to it.
~selamat hari raya, kpd saudara serta saudari~
lalalala :D
lolls, already in the mood of hari raya-ing.
ohkay then, i'll stop here kay.
take care people.
♥Sep 7, 2009
nothing to blog about tday. why yes, holidays are indeed here.
but, i've got no plans. yet...
priorities are to complete my revision on chemistry and physics.
since heavy papers are scheduled next week...
well, i'm halfway done through chemistry. ~smiles~ :D
physics, geesh, not yet. but soon ohkays..
and i've got to pay serious attention to a maths.
yes guys, a maths. i can't afford to fail.
with having tuition and all that, woah certainly a big NO-NO...
indeed, my weekends were packed.
to be specific, on saturday only.
break fast at my aunt's house in yishun.
ate quite a lot there.
hahhahh :D
decided to go to geylang aft that.
arrived at around 10+ pm.
and mayne, was there a lot of people.
dad couln't find any parking lots.
so, we had to parked at eunos and then take the mrt to paya lebar..
very troublesome larh.
went to the bazaar and joo chiat.
just surveyed through.
hate it mayne. people are like pushing one another.
i was like, " ehk, wth??"
there's no need for pushing kan.
luckily managed to get the last train back to eunos.
if not, must walk for god knws how far.
arrived home at 1+ am...
pfft. lesson learnt.
.not to go geylang at night time during weekends.
actually, i doubt so. it'll still be packed everyday, doesn't matter whether in daytime or at night.
woke up quite late the next day and quickly rushed off for religious class.
hihhihhs ;D
will be going geylang again tmr with mum and sis.
fancy meeting anyone there?
hahhahhs ;D
♥Sep 4, 2009
seriously, a maths was a KILLER guys!
urghh. mayne, a big one
glanced through the questions once the invigilator allow us to begin.
first thoughts was 'kay baik arh, senang seyy'
but then, when it comes to doing it, mayne3.
2hours duration already set aside for us ain't enough.
well, that's what i think.
didn't manage to finish up all questions though.
but i think can pass arh.
i hope so.
haishh. ):
combined science was okay-okay.
physics, urghh. chemistry, i say mayne.
idk larh.
chiong3. holidays are here.
study larh, cannot do other stuff aye.
kena call out just now during morning gathering.
why are we late for poa paper???
aperh seyy. bukannye sengaje nak masuk lmbt.
we didn't take notice of the time.
thus that's why we're late.
and the consequences are...
marks deducted from the paper.
tsk. dah larh poa tak bagus, kene deduct lagy.
what luck-.-
♥Sep 3, 2009
plans for today is just simply to get my head cracking with add maths.
probably physics and chemistry too since i'm having the whole day to myself.
initially had this idea of wanting to go the library, with anyone.
but nahh, kind of lazy.
stay at home, lagy bagus :D
wanted to wake up late today since there's no paper scheduled...
but sadly, mum woke me up at 730am as she wants to go to work.
gets up, with my messy hair, walks like a zombie towards the door
and said goodbye to her and dad too not to forget.
tried to sleep back but couldn't...
so went to freshen up. got bored.
did the chores. got bored again. switched on the laptop instead.
listened to some songs.
had geography and poa test yesterday.
felt confident somehow for both the papers.
smiled to myself aft both papers were done.
mmm, good sign. probably will ace for these papers huh?
well, idk. but one thing for sure, i've prepared well for both of them.
yay! :D
skali get back, different thing arh. choy!!
anyway, realised that i've been drifting myself away with spending too much time
on the laptop thus having late night sleeps just to study..
hissh, tak agak2 ehk.
kaykay, gotta change that.
remembered these words,
the only person responsible for the quality of your grades is you
countdown to 'O's in like how many more days. 50+?
N levels just beginning next week i think.
must be scary for them.
mayne, i'll be in that position too sooner or later.
seram, seramm...
k, will ask my buddies to go to the library during the 1week break next week.
kene chiong..
i guess i'll get started with revisions then,
take care people :D
♥Sep 1, 2009
it's kind of cold, isn't it? been raining non-stop since morning..
brrr... looks like the weather's going to stay on like this aye...
well, nothing much happening today...
just stayed at home with my sis since parents are working..
studied for geography and poa since tomorrow's the test...
geesh, i've only studied development for geography...
somewhat feeling confident for poa...
yupyup, i wouldn't want to get results like what i did during prelim1..
real baddd, mayne wayy too baddd...
ain sms-ed me if i wanted to go to the library with her to study poa...
but since today's a holiday...
nahh, i don't feel like it...
malas seyy :D hihhihhs
i'd rather stay at home and chill.
not forgetting my main priority too...
so, had the teacher and staff appreciation day celebrations yesterday....
sang a song for both mdm jas and mr rumi...
watched a movie, 'to sir with love'
and and and, there was a netball and soccer match between students and teachers...
supported those who are participating in the matches...
then, me,ain and nasha went on to watch the soccer match...
wna watch 'youknwwho'.... (winks to ain)
hihhihs, lollaloos :D
and the highlight of the day was the concert of course...
quite okay larh those who performed...
psst, there was a 'ghostontheloose' yesterday if you guys noticed...
right rey?.... (winks to rey)
hahhahs, went back to qihua pri because both my sis was pestering me too...
if not, i lazy sia...
saw a few of my guy friends...
with their girlfriends smore...
mmm, not badd aye...
and they called me 'minah tudung'
boobooo, tak salah per... whatever seyy
tsk3 :D
had a conversation with ashnul..
stayed for a while before heading back home...
so yup, thats that aye..