♥May 20, 2009
i am really disappointed in myself.
hais.... :(
and right now, i feel like everything has gone down the drain.
but, the past doesnt equals to the future eyh.
our strengths doesn't come from our physical abilities,
but it comes from the spirit that keeps on fighting...
and never ever wanting to give up.....
♥May 19, 2009
eyh3. got back malay results. an A2. haiya, just 1 more mark to A1.
missed it. shucks man.
dont know how ive done for geog, poa, physics and humanities.
but i just hope that i'll pass cause i havent failed any yet.
none at all.
so... had breakfast with my beshties in the morning.
sap, ayu and aisha :D
and ain WAS supposed to join along initially..
but yeah, she was late.
harhar. naughty2.
nek tk suke kalau cucuyer lmbt yer :D
then the day starts. blablabla.
same thang. nothing special.
lolls :D
theres nothing to talk about actually today.
think positive, act positive..
and the positive outcome will show...
♥May 18, 2009
haiss. what a day eyh.
im bored plus a bit sick. and im sick and bored.
huh?! kayy teko, stop larh dey.
luckily i wasnt late for school today.
thank god....
hihhihs :D
went out at 7. then took the mrt
and you know what? i just dont understand our people.
so kiasu..
got space dont want to move in.
so fed up seyy.
but just squeezed my way in. harharhar. i rule...
arrived admiralty at 720. and i ran all the way to school. tiring but fun.
morning exercise larh dey. hihhihs :D
omg. malay o levels in like 2weeks time seyy.
must do well. dont want retake.
jiayou ;D
starting from next week also have intensive programme.
haiss. am actually disappointed with myself cause i didnt reached my targets.
for amaths and maths.
so yeah, im upset.
but its not the end yet.
not yet prelims2 or o levels kn. kan???
so i gotta do extra well for that. and im going to prove it uhrs. :D
♥May 17, 2009

syaBOOYAR! supp peeps?...
lolls, LOLLS. and yet, lolls again.
kayy, firstly, im feeling ultra superduper happy today cause manchester united has clinch the premier league cup. YAYY! ;)
glory glory man united!
and today's a sunday. yeaps, s-u-n-d-a-y...
hiish, was supposed to go out with mum to geylang but was plans was cancelled.
woke up this morning with a really bad tummyache.
yet, still went to religious class... i'ma good girl uhrs :D
and yessa, mum treated us kfc ystrday. delicious, yumyum :D
head to toa payoh after that. walk3......
ate at the foodcourt, where mum saw her friend...
and true enough, MAKCIKS RULE!!
mum and her friend were like talking and talking and talking,
...and my adeks and i were like" uh-huh, yes mum! when can we go?"
hahhas :D
went to cwp next. and... yeah, you guessed it?
woah, i think i must have gain lots of weight from ystrday.
and thats the reason why, maybe, i woke up with a tummyache today.
hihhihhs :D so you see, nxt time, jgn mkn byk2 kay!!
kay peeps, gtg now. till then aites.
aww, dont cry. teko's coming back soon.
alrighto neyy :D
shucks, crap again.
bye :D
♥May 15, 2009

i am me, and no other person can change who i want
to be except me.
lolls, so random lah seyy. anw, just babbling crap. again. and im bored. again.
omg.... life's such a bore. not really but at times, it does. doesn't it?
luckily for me, i have superduper awesome friends. and my beloved family.
muahhs, ILOVETHEM!!!
k, enough liao. so today was the last day of prelims. prelims only, not yet 'o' levels.
had amaths paper2 and sci(phy/chem) p3..
amaths was a disaster for me. well, at least it wasn't that bad like ystrday.
did all questions. well, not exactly all but at least, most of it.
say about 85%.
science wasn't that bad either. had 10mins to checked the paper. so yeah, that was it yaww.
so3, went to admiralty to have lunch. at the foodcourt. had briyani. man, it was delicious seyy.
so long never eat.
me,ain, sap and naddy went ahead first cause ayu and maya had to do school service for not bringing thermometer... issit? hmm...
actually, while waiting for them for like 15mins or so initially.... me,ain and sap throwed stones. see who throw the furthest.
see lah, kate seniors, tapi mcm budak2. mcm paham lah seyy.
hihhihh, but it sure was fun.
then after we're done with eating, ayu, maya and sap went shop&save to buy what stuff i dont know...
and naddy, well, she went off to see her ahem2 :)
thats it. ohk, and i cant wait for tmr. ibu going to treat me&my adeks makan.
thankYOUS ibu. ILOVEYOU!
and for dad, he's coming back in 8days.
missed him so much.
hope he'll have a safe journey back home.
♥May 14, 2009
like what larh sey. had amaths paper and poa paper1 today -.-amaths was so pressurizing. felt like killing myself while doing it earlier on.no choice but i have to do well for paper2 tmr. DO WELL!!!!!!hais, poa was no better. actually, it was okay. except for my bank reconciliation statement.it didnt tally with the answer.checked several times to see where ive gone wrong but it was useless.in the end, i gave up.
♥May 12, 2009
whatever it is, i know that ive done my best....
and right now, i'll just wait...
had physics and maths just now...
it was okay. not that bad.
in fact, im happy that i managed to finish my physics paper.
unlike those times where ive not been able to.
so, thats a good sign huh?...
well, i dont know larhs.
everyone was like.. 'aiyah, die arh'
nehhmind people, lets jiayous for chem tmr aites.
...and maths....
maths was okay... positively okay and confident.
to all, do well for paper2 k..
hahhahhs, and luckily that stupid coakroach didnt went to me.
cause if it does, i'll scream my lungs out. i swear i will.
thank god, it doesnt.
♥May 8, 2009
dad's flying off for Japan in 5hours time....
haiss... so sadsad now... :(
coming back in 2weeks time....
whatever it is.
dad, you take care.....
all of us are going to miss you....
................love you <3..................
♥May 4, 2009
OMG!!!!i just came to realise that i have yet to start revising geog... when time is like running out....
i still havent decided on which topics i wanna study... how le?.... tell me how?!?!....
nehhmind, i'll start soon after im done with tuition later....
thats right... no more waiting aites... :)
so anywayy, today was urh, today?..huhs??....
normal... boring... and.... boring...
life's like that for me luhhs....
had phys aft sch... followed by MOE thingy....
had to take a malay exam evaluation or whatever it was....
it was okayy, like duhh.... lols -.-
mariyah was the first to leave, i was the second....
needless to say, it was damn cold inside and i was shivering....
relieved when it was over.... waited for ayu with ain before heading off...
walked to admiralty... bought fries cause i was damn hungry luhhs :)
and now, im like a freak staring at the laptop's screen...
thinking of what to write....
hahahhs, llolls
guess theres nothing else, so i better get going yeahs -.-
oh yeah, tomorrow gonna have to go thru the procedure again....
lecehhs luhhs....
but what to do??
teko signing off....
Labels: im confused with myself..
♥May 3, 2009
heyyloohs :)
kinda feeling ultra bored right now.... super duper bored.....
been doing maths papers since just now....
so im taking a break...
but heyy, where's my kitkat man?!
hahahhs, lols -.-
niwayys, my aunt from m'sia came down ystrday and stayed over... arrived at around 1225am..
wasn't asleep yet at that point of time...
so now, she went out with my mum to ikea tampines...
and without me.... :(
so sadsad liaos....
but its okayy.... i dont want to follow her also....
shhussh, and i skipped my religious class just now...
hihhih :)
yayy!!! man utd won ystrdy against middlesbrough... 2-0
went to watch it with the entire family at marsiling....
aiyayayayaii, macheda.... so damn HOT3!!
but my hubby is HOTTER!!!
right sayang??? (winks to ronaldo) <3
hahahhs, as if larh seyy.... dream on man....
kayys, better get going now...
and sometimes, i feel like i've done the most stupidiest mistake in my life.....