so yeah the last weekend has been busy for me... uh-huh, yup me3...
kay, so let me see.... last saturday, went to the lib with ain and ayu... wahidah, juliana, azri s and shazrul was already there when we arrived... so, get into business and started revising... did my tuition's hwrk.... then azri:) came along... wawa, ju, azri s& shaz made their move... so its left with only ayu,ain,me&azri :).... anw, sry once again i didnt sit with u kays.. so aft tt, the three of us(charlie's angels) went off first... charlie's angels?.. wth... kiddin... went to cold's storage to buy smtin... then went to the bazaar next since ain wanted to buy some food utk berbuke.... reached home arnd
530pm...& guess what?... my mum was preparing some spaghetti bolognese... yummy :)
the next day which was a sunday, skipped madrsh and accompanied my mum&sis to geylang... went there for 4hrs... really tiring... but manage to stay strong... hahas... anw bought another 2pairs of kebaya... so yeah, tts tt for me...
kk, for 2day, i'll just be doing what im supposed to do... revising as usual.. get hwrks done and yeah, wait for the next day to arrive....
Labels: eoy in a week's time
whats wrong with the world?... its people and everyone around me?.....
cant explain this feeling im having right now....been feeling confused, frustrated and stressful lately... have tried throwing this feelings away but it keeps coming back, haunting me as the day go by...... whats wrong with me anyway?...
firstly, stressful due to exams just round the corner... duno why but i cant understand some topics on certain subjects after having been taught for several times.... plenty of revision to be done and to buck up on certain subject is my the task im at right now....
anyone who can lend me a helping hand?....
secondly, frustrated because i feel that im not having enough time....cmon, eoy is lyk in 2weeks time.... hais..... but insya allah, i can do it....
thirdly, confused because of..............let me just keep it to myself....... all i can say and wished for now is that
i dont want history to repeat itself... ever....
just please dont let it happen to me.... i dont want it to happen.... do you?..... i tink u do know wad i went thru the last time when im with.... and how i cried?.... which i realised how silly i had been....so yeah, lifes like this..... there are ups and downs in life i suppose....
main target: make my parents happy&doing well for eoy.....so thats tt.... but i'll continue to smile....
Labels: there'll be us again when the right time comes
hellos.....jz got bck frm sendin my lil sis 2 sch.... finished revising also.. so yeah, nothing better 2 do n0w..countdown 2
EOY is 22 more days... argh!.. and man, im totaly freaking out... but relaks, its all under my control.. hahas :) time flies b4 u even kn0w it huh.. its true tt ppl say time is precious... so now its tt time 2 acquire more knowledge...... gotta buck up on subjs tt im weak in esp
english... seriously, i duno how i can fail this most important subj but maybe, i jz didnt take it seriously at tt time...all i have 2 do now is to be serious bout it.. i know i can make it wen others can score it easily... so y cant i right?... insya allah... if theres a will, there shud be a way fer me 2 score... and i wanna make my parents proud of me... haha.. so anyway, i wanna get A's/B's on e following subjs... combined sci(phys/chem)
amaths/e maths
can i make it?... yes i can!..i cant hear you... yes i can!...
jiayou 2 all who's gonna take e exams... in fact, all of us are... :)
so once more, all the best&goOd luck kays....
2morow, as usual, gonna have tuition at 2 in the afternoon.... and maybe, going 2 finish up on my hwrk b4 sch reopens... so tts that...
gtg... have a nice day folks..
2day's the first day of puasa...
so yeah.. selamat berpuase kpd semua umat2 islam di seluruh dunia.. :)
sry fer not having blogged fer dis few days cos yeah,haf been busy revising fer EOY..
well yeah,must JIAYOU fer dis...
cos i dun wanna EVER upset my prnts anymore.. enuf of them gettin upset wit seeing my progress card..seriously,its NO use gettin A's if u cant even pass ur eng... right?...and i wanna continue to sec4... i dun wanna get retained... EVER!!! JUST PLEASE :(so basically, my plans fer 2day is to STUDY AND STUDY ALL E WAY... well, must buka also larh.. hhahas.. :)fer 2mor0w... gt phys lesson in the m0rn...so yeah gtg bck 2 sch... meanwhile, tuiti0n in the afterno0n.. :)kk.. peace out btw syng...i love you... kinda missin you ryte now..